Math Resources including apps, games, printable worksheets, and more

Being a home school mom and just a mom in general, one of the greatest resources I use is the internet. You can find tons of resources for any subject and many of them are FREE. Here is a compiled list of different math resources and I tried to mainly include FREE resources (unless I thought it was an awesome resource). You will find math worksheets,tutorials, videos, games, apps, and even free math curriculum.
Math Resources

 Math Web Sites

MathisPower4u– This site has almost 4,000 mini math lessons. They are organized by course topic. It has videos lessons for your basic math all the way up to Calculus 3. There is also a Roku Channel for MathisPower4u.

MyOpenMath- This is a FREE self service open textbook course. You can sign up as a teacher or as a student. Many of the MathusPower4u videos are included within the course.

KhanAcademy- Most have probably came across Khan Academy. But for those who haven’t, Khan Academy offers free resources for a wide range of subjects including math.

CoolMath– Offers math games from addition all the way to calculus.

MathUSee– Most of you may know of Math U See curriculum. They also have some free resources such as worksheet generator, Online Drill, fact sheets, and Stewardship Calculators. Math U See also has a math manipulative app. While its not free, it could be a great alternative to buying the blocks.

Math Playground– Math games, Logic Games, and word problems

Math Drills– Tons of FREE math worksheets grouped by categories

Homeschool Math– Need help choosing a math curriculum? This site has a list of different curriculum, details about them, and reviews.

Mathematics Benchmarks– Math Benchmarks for each grade level. The benchmarks show which skills and lessons a child needs per grade level.

Math is Fun– FREE full math curriculum for k-8, algebra 1 & 2, and Geometry.

Math Mammoth– FREE math tutorials and lessons on youtube.

PurpleMath– Purple Math has alot of information for algebra students. Lessons can be found under the Practice section. The Lessons and Tutoring section has a list of sites with reviews.

Donna Young– Lots of good math printables. Some of the printables include graph paper, Number Line worksheets, clock worksheets, printable math manipulatives, charts, and more. She also has a ton of other printables on her site so be sure to bookmark or pin her site!

Five J’s– Here is Five J’s top 10 math resources. She has some of the same links and some new ones as well.

Free Math Help-This site includes math lessons for Algebra, Trigonometry, Calculus, Sports Math, and Statistic.

ABCya– ABCya has educational games and apps for K-5. They cover many different subjects including math.

Sheppard Software– This site has games and activities for many different subjects for little kids all the the way to college. It also has activities for adults.




Math Apps

Here is a list of math apps. Some of them fall under multiple categories. I have tried to include the apps into each category but please forgive me if I missed a multiple category. There were so many apps I found and I know this is far from being complete.


Elementary Math

MathUSee Manipulatives for Apple- The app isn’t free. It is $14.99. If you use Math U See, this would be a great alternative for the blocks or even on the go. Even if you don’t use Math U See, this would be a great addition for the hands on/visual learners. This is also available on the Android. MathUSee Manipulative for Android.

FlashToPass Free Math Flash Cards


Kindergarten Math Drills

Numbers, Addition, and Subtraction

Counting and Addition

1st Grade Math:Splash Math

First Grade Learning Games

First Grade Math Challenge-Barnyard Edition

Grade 1 Math: First Step Zoo

2nd Grade Splash Math

Splash Math Grade 1 to 5

Second Grade Math Magic

2nd Grade Math: First Step Safari

Turbo Math Games: Grade K-4

 Math Splash Bingo

Splash Math-3rd grade

3rd Grade Frenzy

 4th grade Splash Math

Long Division Touch


Fractions & Decimals

Math. This app can be found under multiple categories.

Middle School

King of Math

 Buzzmath Middle School

Middle School Math 6th Grade


iTooch Middle School

CandyFactory Educational Game

7th Grade Math learning Game

Math Animations (Grades 1-8)

Middle School Math 8th grade

Alegbra Game with Linear

Khan Academy PreAlgebra Khan Academy has many apps for many different topics. You can search “Khan Academy” under the App store to view their many different apps. Also check out their web site.


Math Logarithms


Free Graphing Calculator

Khan Academy Algebra 1



Math Pro!!


The Fun Way to Learn Alegbra

HMH Math On the Spot

Mathematical Formulas

MyMath: Algebra and Trigonometry equations


Triangle Solver

Khan Academy: Trigonometry

Trig Wheel

Polar Sweep

The scientific Calculator


ClearCheckbook– I personally use this to keep my checkbook registry. You can log in online or through the app. The app doesn’t store the information on your phone therefore both me and the hubby can log in and enter our transactions. You could use this for personal use and/or while teaching kids about managing money. You can set up different accounts as well as cash on hand. There is also the option to create budgets so you can stay on track for your financial goals.

Khan Academy: Finance 1

Khan Academy: Finance 2

Khan Academy: Finance 3


Allowance & Chores Bot Free

Kids Bank Free

MyFinanceLab Financial Calculator

Mint Personal Finance


GoodBudget Planner

Simple Loan Calculator

Loan Simulator Mobile


EZ Financial Calculators

Mortgage Calculator



I hope you will find these resources helpful! If you have resources that I missed, please share with in the comments. Also, if you have used the resources listed, leave you review in the comments below!










Sourdough Bread

The Benefits of Sourdough Bread

Sourdough bread


Photo created using Basic Sourdough Bread-Bread Kneaded by Rebecca Siegel

My story and what lead to researching sourdough bread

About two months ago, I started talking to some friends about some of my weight loss woes. It didn’t matter what I did I couldn’t lose weight, etc. They recommended I go see their physician and told me they had many of the same symptoms.  I had been tested before for hypothyroidism and it was negative so I thought my thyroid was fine. They told me they had been tested before as well but it wasn’t until a full panel was ordered that they discovered they had an under active thyroid. I was a little doubtful but I knew something was not right with my body so I went to the physician. She ran some blood work, told me my hormones were out of whack, deficient in B12, vitamin D, and my thyroid wasn’t functioning properly. She went over all my results and explained everything to me. She then advised me on what to do for treatment. Our hectic schedules were about to kick off again so we were headed to go camping right after the doc appointment.


After we began to get back into our routine, me being me, I started researching hypothyroidism. I wanted to know what it is, what causes it, how to reverse it, etc. Hypothyroid seems to be very complex and can be different for each patient. So I got out the test results and compared it to the my research. And then I remembered she had wrote autoimmune next to the the thyroid antibody. I don’t know if I had been so busy to forget that she had said I was autoimmune, was in disbelief, or I thought maybe it wasn’t any big deal since the physician didn’t seem like it was anything out of the ordinary but I had completely forgot about her stating and writing that I was autoimmune. Of course, I began researching Autoimmune Thyroid Peroxidase Antibody. I quickly learned this was called Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis.


I have spent some time trying to research this autoimmune disorder. I have been reading a book called Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis: Lifestyle Interventions for Finding and Treating the Root Cause. Almost every article, site, and the 2 books I have read over Hashimotos talks about getting your gut back in check. Many doctors and specialists are making a connection between gluten and autoimmune disorders. The health of your gut plays a big role in your immune system. Last night, I was reading the book mentioned above and it began talking about Celiac Disease. Celiac Disease is an autoimmune disorder where the lining of the small intestine is. People with Celiac Disease are also gluten intolerant. They can remove gluten from their diet and see improvements. So what does Celiac Disease have to do with anything? I’m getting there. The book states that in studies, sourdough bread can be eaten safely by people with celiac disease (gluten intolerant) and even in some cases reverse it.

“Traditional bread preparation techniques involved using a “sourdough” fermentation process that would break down the gluten protein. This process involves putting a special types of yeast on the flour that takes about three days until the bread is ready to be baked.

Conventional bread preparation techniques don’t bother with this process and most wheat products in breads, cereals, and processed foods contain gluten.” (Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis: Lifestyle Interventions for Finding and Treating the Root Cause, Izabella Wentz PharmD , pg 165-166)

Is it the wheat or yeast?

Interesting. This sparked my interest so of course, more research! I’m sure many of you have heard about the Paleo Diet, how wheat/grains are bad for you, etc. Wheat/grains have been getting a bad rep recently. But I have said from word go that I don’t believe we shouldn’t consume grains. People have been eating grain products for a long time. There had to be another connection they were missing. Jesus himself ate bread so I knew wheat was not bad for you but didn’t have any proof.

Funny thing is, about 6-7 months ago, I was talking to my sis and hubby about bread. I asked the question how did people in Biblical times and before mass production make bread. I knew some of them made flat bread but they still used some kind of leaven to make the bread rise. I had also wondered if the yeast purchased from the store was good for you. No one seemed to know and I had lightly tried to research it but I decided maybe I was thinking too much about yeast.

I was also curious what type of leavened bread they were making in Biblical times. Guess what kind of bread it was? Sourdough. Yep. Things are beginning to make sense. And guess what, they didn’t add yeast to the bread to leaven it. The bread made it’s own yeast through the fermentation process. Sourdough bread was made before the industrial revolution and during biblical times. Even the Egyptians used sourdough starter to make bread. They didn’t have a local grocery store that carried yeast in a little brown glass bottle. Making sourdough bread is like going back to the basics.

What makes the difference between regular bread and sourdough bread?

If you’ve ever made sourdough bread, you know it is a lengthier process. You have to have a sourdough starter which can be made yourself (takes about a week) or you are given a sourdough starter from a friend or family member. Once you have the starter, it takes 3 days before you actually bake the bread.  With normal bread, you start it the same day that you bake it and there is no starter involved. Unlike traditional bread, the sourdough bread goes through a fermentation process and it creates yeast from the air. You do not add the yeast to the bread, it creates its own. From what I have read, sourdough bread will taste different depending on your location.

The benefits of Sourdough Bread

1.) Easier to Digest- The bacteria and the yeast in the sourdough begin digesting the starches. This in return makes it easier for us to digest the starches.

2.) Blood Glucose Regulation- Some studies have shown that those who consumed Sourdough bread had a lower blood glucose level vs traditional breads. The results showed that the positive results lasted to hours after the next meal.

3.) Natural Preservative- Sourdough Bread will stay fresh longer because of the natural preservatives; acetic acid and lactic acid. These acids inhibit the growth of mold.

4.) Better absorption of vitamin and minerals- The longer fermentation breaks down the phytic acid. This means better absorbtion of the 18 amino acids, B vitamins, iron, zinc, selenium, magnesium, and maltase. People with Hashimotos, hypothyroidism, and many Americans are lacking in these vital nutrients.

5.) Good Bacteria- Sourdough bread contains the good bacteria (Lactobacillus) which is also the bacteria found in yogurt, kefir, sour cream, buttermilk, etc. If you buy a probiotic, it will probably have strains of Lactobacillus. Lots of research suggests a good bacteria= healthy gut = a healthy body.

6.) It’s delicious- I’m not going to claim that I bake all the time but I do bake more than most average Americans. About 3 months ago, a friend gave me a sourdough starter. It was different than baking typical bread and seemed like it would be some trouble since it took 3 days before I could bake it. Then I had to feed the starter like it was some little hungry monster growing in my fridge. My husband didn’t understand why he needed to go to the grocery store to buy potato flakes to feed the bread starter! Anyways,  after it was all said and done, it wasn’t that big of deal to make. And I have to say, it was some of the best bread I have ever made and ate. It was delicious and even the texture was better. It makes sense now why it tasted so scrumptious. It’s tastes better because it is better for you!

All wisdom comes from the Father

Maybe my gut instinct (no pun intended) was telling me something when I had questioned commercial yeast. Deep down I knew wheat was not the evil tyrant that diets like the Paleo have made many to think.  I haven’t bought into the Paleo Diet and the statements that come along with it. If you haven’t gathered this from my previous posts or this post, I am a Christian. I believe all wisdom comes from the heavenly father. So it only makes sense for me to look to the Bible for answers. As far as I’m aware, there is no scripture that says sourdough bread is better than modern bread but we can look to the scripture for some clues.

“For the LORD giveth wisdom: out of his mouth cometh knowledge and understanding.” (Proverbs 2:6)

Jesus was also our greatest example and he ate bread. The bread was also symbolic for his body. When Jesus broke the bread with the apostles, unleavened bread was used. We draw this conclusion since by looking at Matthew 25:1. Some may already know this but “leaven” is anything that is used to make the bread rise. Examples of leaven are yeast, baking soda, and baking powder.

“And he took bread, and gave thanks, and brake it, and gave unto them, saying, This is my body which is given for you: this do in remembrance of me.” (Luke 22:19)

Jesus also said he was the bread of life. Bread is nourishment for our bodies and Jesus is nourishment for our soul.

“And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst.” (John 6:35)

Here is some food for thought since leaven and bread is the topic here. If you look at Galatians 5:9, Paul referred to leaven as a symbol to sin. Any time you add even a little leaven to bread, you will get leavened bread. The bread is either leavened or unleavened. The same goes for our soul. A little sin makes the person sinful. You can not have even the smallest smidge of sin and be sin free. Many of us like to say “I am a good person,” or “she/he is a good person.” They/I only (insert sin here) a little or from time to time. Truth is, we all fall short of the glory of God. We have to ask for forgiveness for sin and turn from it. When a man called Jesus good, he replied and said, “Why do you call me good? There is none good but one, that is, God. ” (Mark 10:18) It is only through Jesus Christ that can wash away our sins.  Does that mean we can go on sinning? No, there is MANY scriptures that tells us how we shouldn’t sin, what sin is, and how we should be more Christ like.

“A little leaven leavens the whole lump.”  Galations 5:9

Hope you have enjoyed my findings and find all this information as interesting as I do. 🙂 Leave your comments below.