What is Creation Science?

What is Creation Science?

Creation science is looking at the Bible first, and then comparing science to it. However, most modern science, referred to as Secular science, looks at previous assumptions by other secular scientists and does not look to the bible at all for accuracy. Ultimately it is the difference between a Creator that created everything, just as the bible says, or everything is a product of spontaneous happenings that kept advancing slowly into the world we see and know today.

Creation Science (Pt 1)

Why Should Christians Study Creation Science?

Now that we’ve looked at the differences, let’s address the question, “Why?” Why should Christians study creation science? While I do not think it is required to study creation science for a Christian, I do think that a Christian should have some understanding of what it is, and why it is important. Christians, by biblical definition, are people who have accepted Jesus Christ as the Son of God (Mark 1:1), born of a virgin (Luke 1:27), healed the sick (Matthew 9:35), died on the cross for their sins (Romans 4:25), resurrected three days later, and is the savior for the world so that man can go to heaven when he returns (John 3:16). Christians believe that Satan is wandering the planet trying to devour as many people as he can (1 Peter 5:8). Christians follow the teachings of Jesus and Believe the word of God is inspired by the Holy Spirit (2 Timothy 3:16) and that it is infallible, with no contradictions and no mistakes. While I do not believe that creation science is required of Christians, I do believe that it is foundational to understanding the rest of the bible.


Is it possible?

There are two questions I like to ask, and continue to ask people, including myself. 1. What do you believe? 2. Why? If we are to believe that the bible is 100% accurate, how can there be a fault in the origins account in the bible of how the universe was created? Is it possible that the Bible is correct and that all things were made in a single week, only about 6,000 years ago? Or better yet, what if secular science is one of the biggest conspiracies that Satan has pulled on the world, to make Christians doubt the accuracy of the bible? After all, do we really think we can outsmart the devil? He has had thousands of years of experience in deceiving people. James 4: 7 says “Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” Notice the word used is RESIST, not REBUKE. We are not to try and take on the devil by ourselves, but by submitting ourselves to God.

Common Obstacles for Creation Science

Now let’s look at some of the common obstacles Satan has set up in the path of creation science. I call these obstacles rather than problems because the bible has no problems. However the bible does have obstacles. What I mean is that the bible is controversial by nature.  People have to overcome obstacles to accept the bible. After all, there are some really extraordinary things that happen in the bible. People raise from the dead, a sick child is healed in another city by Jesus simply SPEAKING, a man survives 3 days in a fish, etc. these are subjects that defy secular science, yet Christians trust they are true. So what are some other secular obstacles for the bible? To list them all would be another blog post all of its own but here are a few:

  1. Big Bang
  2. Evolution
  3. Carbon Dating
  4. Dinosaurs
  5. Noah’s Ark
  6. Distance of the Stars
  7. The Grand Canyon

I cannot cover all of the discrepancies of these topics in one blog post, but I will cover these one by one in the future, and some of these will certainly require more than one post per subject.

Making it Make Sense

So please join me in my future posts on creation science. I will tell you up front, I am no expert, and my hope is that I can turn some of the scientific jargon into a more common way of looking at things. With a little more logic and deductive reasoning, rather than a bunch of scientific babble and confusing terms and explanations. I believe that God made things simple so that every person can understand what God wants and ultimately come to him. After all, 1 Corinthians 3:18-19 says, “Let no man deceive himself. If any man among you seemeth to be wise in this world, let him become a fool, that he may be wise. For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, He taketh the wise in their own craftiness.” 

One thought on “What is Creation Science?

  1. Pingback: Creation Science : Big Bang | Our Blessed Nest Blog

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