Answers In Genesis SALE!!!

Answers in Genesis SALE!!!

I recieved an e-mail from Answers in Genesis that had all these coupon codes and I thought I would share!!  The first 3 coupons expire tomorrow so grab them while you can!!


$10 off coupon & FREE Shipping! Shop Answers in Genesis’s online shop and use the $10 off coupon code on orders of $50 or more! Use coupon code MAYFREE. Hurry, the coupon code expires May 31, 2014. SAVE NOW

Homeschool 25% Savings! Fun new Parent Lesson Planner (PLP) curriculum is now on sale! Use coupon code PLP25. Expires May 31, 2014. SAVE NOW

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***Disclaimer- At the moment, Our Blessed Nest Blog is not affiliated with Answers in Genesis. My husband and I both enjoy their material and products. We are simply sharing the current promotions at AIG.

What is Creation Science?

What is Creation Science?

Creation science is looking at the Bible first, and then comparing science to it. However, most modern science, referred to as Secular science, looks at previous assumptions by other secular scientists and does not look to the bible at all for accuracy. Ultimately it is the difference between a Creator that created everything, just as the bible says, or everything is a product of spontaneous happenings that kept advancing slowly into the world we see and know today.

Creation Science (Pt 1)

Why Should Christians Study Creation Science?

Now that we’ve looked at the differences, let’s address the question, “Why?” Why should Christians study creation science? While I do not think it is required to study creation science for a Christian, I do think that a Christian should have some understanding of what it is, and why it is important. Christians, by biblical definition, are people who have accepted Jesus Christ as the Son of God (Mark 1:1), born of a virgin (Luke 1:27), healed the sick (Matthew 9:35), died on the cross for their sins (Romans 4:25), resurrected three days later, and is the savior for the world so that man can go to heaven when he returns (John 3:16). Christians believe that Satan is wandering the planet trying to devour as many people as he can (1 Peter 5:8). Christians follow the teachings of Jesus and Believe the word of God is inspired by the Holy Spirit (2 Timothy 3:16) and that it is infallible, with no contradictions and no mistakes. While I do not believe that creation science is required of Christians, I do believe that it is foundational to understanding the rest of the bible.


Is it possible?

There are two questions I like to ask, and continue to ask people, including myself. 1. What do you believe? 2. Why? If we are to believe that the bible is 100% accurate, how can there be a fault in the origins account in the bible of how the universe was created? Is it possible that the Bible is correct and that all things were made in a single week, only about 6,000 years ago? Or better yet, what if secular science is one of the biggest conspiracies that Satan has pulled on the world, to make Christians doubt the accuracy of the bible? After all, do we really think we can outsmart the devil? He has had thousands of years of experience in deceiving people. James 4: 7 says “Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” Notice the word used is RESIST, not REBUKE. We are not to try and take on the devil by ourselves, but by submitting ourselves to God.

Common Obstacles for Creation Science

Now let’s look at some of the common obstacles Satan has set up in the path of creation science. I call these obstacles rather than problems because the bible has no problems. However the bible does have obstacles. What I mean is that the bible is controversial by nature.  People have to overcome obstacles to accept the bible. After all, there are some really extraordinary things that happen in the bible. People raise from the dead, a sick child is healed in another city by Jesus simply SPEAKING, a man survives 3 days in a fish, etc. these are subjects that defy secular science, yet Christians trust they are true. So what are some other secular obstacles for the bible? To list them all would be another blog post all of its own but here are a few:

  1. Big Bang
  2. Evolution
  3. Carbon Dating
  4. Dinosaurs
  5. Noah’s Ark
  6. Distance of the Stars
  7. The Grand Canyon

I cannot cover all of the discrepancies of these topics in one blog post, but I will cover these one by one in the future, and some of these will certainly require more than one post per subject.

Making it Make Sense

So please join me in my future posts on creation science. I will tell you up front, I am no expert, and my hope is that I can turn some of the scientific jargon into a more common way of looking at things. With a little more logic and deductive reasoning, rather than a bunch of scientific babble and confusing terms and explanations. I believe that God made things simple so that every person can understand what God wants and ultimately come to him. After all, 1 Corinthians 3:18-19 says, “Let no man deceive himself. If any man among you seemeth to be wise in this world, let him become a fool, that he may be wise. For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, He taketh the wise in their own craftiness.” 

Keys to a happy marriage

The keys to a happy marriage requires you to change the way you treat your spouse. We often try to change our spouse and blame them for the shortcomings in a marriage. We can’t change our spouse but we can change our ways. As your read through the list, try to keep yourself in mind and not how you can change your spouse.

keys to marriage

First of all, let me put out there I am no expert in this area. I fall short most of the time in all of these areas. I have a lot of room to grow. Here is a list I came up with to what I believe are keys to a happy marriage. I am sure I have missed some attributes but here is the list…….

Forgiveness- This one can be difficult especially if you have been hurt by someone you care deeply for. We often expect forgiveness if we have wronged someone but are not very gracious to return the favor. The bible speaks of how we should forgive others just as Jesus is wiling to forgive us of our sins. If you don’t learn to forgive, bitterness, anger, and turmoil will store up deep within you. Forgiveness doesn’t mean forget how you have been wronged, it simply means you are on the road to healing the pain you were caused.

For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you: 

 But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses. (Matthew 6:14-15)


Love– Among all of humanity, love is the deepest strongest emotion one can feel.  We seek it, we yearn for it and it is one of the best emotions one can feel. It is also one of the hardest emotions to put into words because the emotion is so deep, wonderful, and magnificent. In a marriage, your spouse is the one you have chosen till death do you part. In 1 Corinthians we can see that with great hope, faith, and great gifts, it means absolutely nothing without love.

Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal. And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing.And if I give all my possessions to feed the poor, and if I surrender my body to be burned, but do not have love, it profits me nothing. (1 Corinthians 13:1-3)


In order to love our spouse to the fullest depth, we first must love the Lord. I’m sure most of you know John 3:16 very well. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. (John 3:16) God loved us so much he sent his only son to die for our sins. Jesus loved us so much that he willingly died on the cross. He suffered in anguish and pain for our sins so we might have everlasting life in heaven. This is truly self sacrificial love. A love that put your needs, my needs, and everyone else’s needs before his life. We can look to this example and apply it in our marriage. If we show love towards our husbands, we will want to take care of his needs. Some ways we can take care of his needs is by preparing a home cooked meal (they say a way to a man’s heart is through his stomach), doing the laundry, cleaning the home, helping him with whatever task he needs help with,  teaching our children, being supportive, being there in times of trouble, and the private matters between a husband and wife. Husbands are supposed to love their wives just as Christ loved the church. Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it; (Ephesians 5:25) If you skip down a few verses, you read; So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself. For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church: (Ephesians 5: 28-29) A man’s wife should be someone who he cherishes, loves, and seeks the best for his wife. He should love his wife just as if it were his own body. 

Kindness– Being kind to one another is an action of love. You recognize their wants, needs and want to help them meet those needs or wants. Acts of kindness can be simple actions that speak from the heart. A few examples of kindness might be preparing their favorite meal, picking them up their favorite drink or candy bar, fluffing their pillow, doing one of their chores, or simply telling them how much they mean to you.

In the beginning of marriage, acts of kindness come easily and frequently. After the honeymoon phase passes, we often forget to do these simple things. No matter how long you have been married, we should still be doing these simple things that tell our spouse “I still love you.”

Prayer– The best gift we can give to our spouse is to pray for them. The best thing we can do for ourselves is to pray for ourself. 1 Thessalonians 5: 17 reads; “Pray without ceasing.” We should continually seek help from the Lord. Praying throughout the day is one of my trouble spots that I seem to fail at often. I forget to take time to pray throughout the day and to take everything to the Lord in prayer.

Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light. (Matthew 11:28-30)

Christ centered marriage- If we don’t have Christ in our lives, we are using our own moral judgement to justify ourselves. Right from wrong can easily be swayed to our own selfish desires, wants, and in return justifying oneself. It is easy to return evil for evil when we feel we have been wronged but it is often difficult to return evil with good. If we turn our self to Christ and follows his teaching, we learn to try to put our own selfishness aside and love others. In a marriage, it is easy to see our spouse’s faults but are sometimes blind to our own shortcomings. Christ is the solid foundation for a thriving and happy marriage. Jesus spoke the wise man building his house on a rock.

Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock: And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock. And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand: And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it. (Matthew 7:24-27)

Jesus is our solid rock of foundation. If we build our house upon him, our home can withstand the storms the devil will send our way. The Lord wants us our marriage to succeed. The devil on the other, no so much.

Communication- Communication is an important role in a thriving marriage. Both husband and wife should be able to express their views, opinions, and feelings to one another respectfully. Yelling and screaming are not good forms of communication. They both stem from anger and when one is angry, the thoughts are clouded, and emotions run hot. I am sure we have all said hurtful things and things we don’t mean when we have been overtaken with anger.

A wrathful man stirreth up strife: but he that is slow to anger appeaseth strife. (Proverbs 15:18)

Cease from anger, and forsake wrath: fret not thyself in any wise to do evil. (Psalms 37:8)

Looking at the above verses, anger only brings strife and evil. Someone who is slow to anger can ward off conflict. I think it is important to remember, we will not always agree on all subjects. We should respect the other’s opinion but that doesn’t mean we have to bend to their opinion. Disagreeing is ok.

We often think of communication just in the spoken form but some other forms of communication to remember are our body language, tone of voice, the way we speak to our spouse, gestures, and physical touch.
Think about how you act around your spouse. Do you speak kind words to them or do spouts of venom come out of your mouth? Do you smile at them across the room or are you too busy to even look up from your cell phone when they walk in the room? Do you reach for their hand or do you keep your distance? Do you pick up their favorite drink when you run to the store or do you only complain about how they fall short?

Trust- We often take trust for granted, and we do it unintentionally. Trust is knowing they are at work when they say they are. Trust is knowing that money was spent on what they said it was. Without trust, a spouse can go literally insane from worrying. When they tell you something, trust is taking their word for it.

Understanding- When little tiffs or arguments happen, try to understand their side of the situation. it is asking yourself why they are acting the way they are, rather than focusing on why you are acting the way you are. Put yourself in their shoes for a moment and try to see their side.

Humility-realizing that we are not the greatest thing ever put on this planet. We have to realize that we are all human, we all make mistakes, we all mess up and we all have to see that in ourselves and in others. We must humble ourselves.

Respect– The definition of respect is 1. (noun)a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements. 2. (verb) admire (someone or something) deeply, as a result of their abilities, qualities, or achievements. Through this definition we can see you admire the person you respect. You hold their opinions and viewpoints in high regards even if you don’t agree. 

Giving– marriage is a give and take. You’re either giving or you’re taking. It takes give and take from both sides to make a marriage work. Sometimes you need to watch that guy movie, usually in my case it’s a documentary lol, instead of that chick flick your dying to see.


What are some characteristics you believe are keys to a happy marriage? How do you apply these characteristics to your own marriage? Where can you improve?

5 Things to Stop Buying and Start Saving

In an effort to save money and be more frugal, here is a list out to cut costs. Here is my short list of 5 things to stop buying and start saving. Every time you don’t buy these items, you are keeping money in your pocket. These 5 things, you don’t have to clip coupons or spend time searching the sales to find the deals.



List of things to stop buying

Paper Towels– A while back, I never even thought of paper towels as something I could or would stop purchasing. It was something I used to clean my mirrors, glass table, glass, wipe my mouth with, and clean many things in the home. I can go through paper towels like nobody’s business. In an effort to cut costs, I realized, paper towels are almost like throwing money in the trash. You use them once and in the trash they go. Paper towels haven’t been around forever so there had to be a way our frugal grandparents or great parents did it. They used cloth towels. They could reuse, wash, reuse, repeat. It was one of those DUH! moments when it dawned on me.

My sister shared a little trick with me. One thing that works well for spills is cloth diapers. Another tip she shared with me, cloth diapers work well for burp cloths. Diaper cloths are made out of absorbent cloth which makes them ideal for both cleaning messes and burping your baby.

If cloth diapers do not seem ideal, you can purchase regular rags from Wal-Mart, Target, Etsy or you can make your own. If you’re feeling crafty, Here is a great tutorial on how to make reusable paper towels. I haven’t gotten around to making these but they are on my to do list.

The Short Girl Blog-Reusable (Unpaper) Paper Towel Tutorial


Here is another reusable paper towel tutorial.

Seasoned Homemaker- Unpaper Towels


Last but not least, Kam Snaps has links, youtube videos, and other resources for making reusable paper towels. How to Make Reusable, Washable Cloth Unpaper Towels.
Shaving cream- I haven’t used shaving cream to shave my legs in a 1-2 years. I use plain ole shower gel. I pump one squirt into my hands, lather onto my legs or whatever your shaving(your body needs to be wet) and shave with a wet razor.  I don’t get razor burn and shaving cream isn’t necessary. I honestly think shaving cream is simply another product that advertising has convinced us we needed.

Sattelite/ Cable- In case you haven’t read my other post about the Roku, check it out. How we are still saving money.


Movies- If you link to my post above, you will read that we pay for Amazon Prime and Netflix. These 2 options give us plenty of options for movies. We also rent movies from our local library. Yes, you can do that. Our library has a ton of movies. We didn’t know you could do it until we started going to the library once a week for homeschool readings. And no, they’re not all old classics (although they do have classics)  like Old Yeller or B movies but they have new movies as well. We have rented MANY Disney movies for the girls as well as dvds like Tom and Jerry, Strawberry Shortcake, and other popular cartoons.


Bottled Water-  We used to buy the bottled water. It was easy, convenient, and expensive. Not to mention, very wasteful. Every time I cleaned I would find TONS of empty bottles laying around. Some of them empty, some of them half full, and some of them almost full!!

water bottles

So you have a few options to cut out the cost of bottle water.

  1. Use tap water. I will use tap water while cooking, and even in sweet tea but drinking it straight is not for me. We have city water and it’s not very good. If you have good well water, then you simply fill a jug and stick it in the fridge.
  2. Buy a tap water filtration. I used a filtering pitcher for a little while but the cartridges were just expensive. And since the point was to save money, this wasn’t the option for me. I do use a filter on my fridge for my water dispenser but it also filters the water to make ice.
  3. This is the method we use. You know those 5 gal jugs that you see people filling up in the front of Wal-Mart, outside of H-E-B, or at the filtered water machine? We have 3 of those jugs and fill them up 1 time every 2 weeks. We place a 2.5 gal slim beverage in the fridge. The wonderful hubby fills it up so we have cold filtered water. It costs us $3 to fill up all of the jugs.  If you do the math, that’s $0.20 per gallon! We just use water bottles and refill them.

Hair Cuts- Men’s hair cuts are simple to do. All you need is a good clipper set. I first purchased the cheapest clipper set and then upgraded to a Wahl. I didn’t buy the most expensive one but it was more than the lower end ones. The blades on the cheap one seems to have trouble cutting my hubby’s hair. I had to go real slow or it would rip hairs out. The Wahl clipper, I can quickly clip his hair. My advice and my hubby agrees, buy a Wahl clipper set. The price varies depending on which one you get but the Wahl clippers for $11.00 at


Girls and women’s hair cuts are a little harder to do. I personally pay for my hair to be cut. For one, I have let my hubby cut my hair once. I told him I wanted a little length cut off and he cut it so short and uneven, I actually cried. It’s funny now but he insists I pay for mine to be cut. LOL For the girls, a trim on the bangs and ends are simple.


There you have it. 5 things you can stop buying and start saving. What are some thing you don’t buy to save money?

Free ebook from Club 31 Women

Who doesn’t love free ebooks? Right now, you can get the free ebook, The 7 Habits of a highly-fulfilling Marriage, from Club 31 women. All you need to do is enter your e-mail to subscribe to Club 31 Women. You will receive an e-mail for you to confirm your subscription. After you have confirmed your subscription, you will receive an e-mail to the link to download your FREE ebook!

The 7 Habits of a Highly Fulfilling Marriage small

After I downloaded my free ebook, I saved it to my hard drive. Then e-mailed the pdf file to my send-to-kindle e-mail address. For each of my devices I have an e-mail address that delivers my docs to the device. I then can open the kindle app on my iPad mini and voila, I now can view the free ebook on my iPad. 🙂


Homemade Salsa Recipe

Chips and salsa is a family favorite snack. It only makes sense to make homemade salsa. And let’s face it, homemade just tastes better and is generally healthier for you. Homemade salsa is fresher and customizable to your own personal taste. If you add home grown ingredients, the benefits are even better and tastier!

homemade salsa

Store bought salsa has added sugar, high in sodium and  “natural flavors.” Not sure what those natural flavors are but from my research, labels like “all-natural” “naturally flavored” or anything of this manner are not exactly what you might think it is. Natural News has an article about the Natural Flavoring. Today also has an article. Just what is ‘natural’ flavoring anyway?

I make a 32 oz batch every 2 weeks. It typically will be gobbled up within a week (if it even lasts that long). I made a batch yesterday, and half of it is already gone. I am not kidding when I say this, but my husband does what we call a “happy dance” every time I make it. LOL It is his way of saying, ” This is AWESOME!!!”

salsa 1

There are two different kinds of recipes when making homemade salsa. There is the fresh kind which lasts typically 2 weeks in the fridge and the canned kind. Today, I will be sharing  the fresh kind. Later on down the road, I will be sharing the canned salsa recipe. The fresh salsa recipe is a very simple and fairly quick process. The canned kind is a little lengthier, more work, makes a larger batch, and can be stored longer.

What you’ll need

A food processor (you can pick one up at Wal-Mart for $25. Here is the one I have and works great for the salsa and many other things. Black and Decker 8 C food processor. A 10 c is probably more ideal but it can be done with the 8 c. You don’t absolutely need a food processor but it cuts down the time and gets a better texture)


Cutting Board

All ingredients listed in recipe

32 oz Container to store salsa in

Homemade Salsa Recipe

6 Roma Tomatoes

3-5 cloves of garlic (I typically go for 5 but I like garlic. Adjust this to your taste)

1 bunch of cilantro

1 small sweet yellow onion

1 jalapeno pepper

1 sm fresh squeezed lemon (this should also be done to taste. I hand squeeze mine so I do not get as much juice out as

sea salt to taste



1.) Set your food processor up with the chopping blade. Mince the garlic. It can have some chunks since the food processor is going to chop it as well. Throw in food processor. Cut the stem off of the jalapeno. Slice the jalapeno and throw in processor. Make sure to throw the seeds in there as well. It is what will give the salsa some heat.

diced garlicgarlic in food processorsliced jalapenojalapeno in food processor

2.) Wash the cilantro, strain, shake off access water and pat dry with a paper towel. Cut off the stem and discard. The stem is the bottom part that has no leaves on it and is approximately 4 inches long. Don’t cut all the way to the leaves because the top part of the stem has flavor in it. Now chop the cilantro and toss into food processor. Cut the end of the sweet onion and peel the outer layer away. Now dice the onion and toss in with the rest.

bundle cilantrochopped cilantrocilantro in processor

diced onionsdiced onions in processor

3.) Cut the top part of the roma tomatoes off or you can use a tomato corer. Chop the tomatoes. Begin filling with the tomatoes until you have it filled to the Max level of your processor. There should be a line on the side telling you when to stop. Put the lid back on and pulse a few times. As soon as the mixture begins to combine, add more tomatoes to the middle where the chop blade has made a hole.  The blade will create almost like a suction pulling the tomatoes from the middle to be chopped first. Add until you reach the fill line. Pulse again until you can get the remaining tomatoes in. Add the remaining tomatoes in and pulse a few times.

Roma TomatoesRoma Tomatoes quarteredDiced Roma Tomatoes


4.) Now, roll your small lime on the counter top applying pressure. Cut in half and squeeze both halves into the mixture. Pick out the lime seeds if any fall into mix. Sprinkle with sea salt to taste. Now pulse and really get the mixture to combine evenly and there is no large chunks. I like a mixture of small chunks. Now, for the fun part. Get your chips out and give it a taste. (This is my husband’s favorite part, and is always followed with the “happy dance!”) Add more salt if needed and pulse again.

IMG_1747IMG_1749salsa 1

5.) Store in fridge for up to 2 weeks.



How we Homeschooled Kindergarten for almost free

Here we are at the end of the year so I thought I would write a post on how we homeschooled Kindergarten for almost FREE. We are just about to wrap up for summer break. When we first decided to homeschool, I spent tons of time researching curriculum, how to do it, what was required for Kindergarten, and anything on the agenda of “how to homeschool.”



At First

Before I started, I was planning to buy all Abeka. I had talked to many homeschool parents and Abeka seemed to be the popular choice. The whole bundle was expensive but I was planning to buy a little at a time. When I joined our local co-op, they had a meeting for members to sell, give away, or trade their used curriculum.  I checked out all the free items. Low and behold the Abeka K5 manusript writing curriculum was on the FREE table.

I got it home and began skimming through it. The more I looked through it, the more I did not like how Abeka was set up or at least for kindergarten. I also felt it was a little bit of a rip off. It only covered how to write letters in odd sequences by using a house, basement, and attic. I understand the concept but I felt it could be confusing and unnecessary to use a house to teach a child their letters. I didn’t feel I needed a book to tell me how to teach my daughter how to write her letters. It did include Phonics but I found a FREE phonics program to work through. I’ll tell more about it below. Anyways, if you use Abeka and love it, then great. But for us, I am so glad I didn’t sink a ton of money into Abeka. My best advice, go to a homeschool convention where you can look inside the books before you purchase. Find someone who already has the curriculum to look through. Many curriculums off a free PDF sample of the curriculum. This can give a good idea if the curriculum may or may not be right for you.

The Basics1stdayofK

My daughter had a head start on Kindergarten. She knew her ABCs, could count to 20, colors, could write her name, and shapes. We didn’t spend any time covering these (except writing her letters) since she already knew all of these. But if your child doesn’t know these things, you will want to spend some time on the very basics before moving on.



We used Math-U-See Primer for our primary math curriculum. I had researched many different types of currciulum and had never even heard of Math-U-See. A dear friend gave us Math-U-See Primer, Alpha, and Beta. She also gave us the blocks and DVD that go with the Math-U-See. All I can say is, we LOVE Math-U-See. I personally love the DVD that you can watch with your child before the lesson. Both of my daughters love using the blocks. Math U See has printable worksheets from their web site to go along with their books excluding the Primer book. Math-U-See worksheets. I could easily find free worksheets to print out that went along with the lesson.

We worked through Primer fairly quickly. My daughter knew some of the content so we would quickly go over it just to make sure she knew the material and advance to the next lesson. We would spend extra time on things she didn’t know such as learning how to tell time.

We finished Primer in February or March and since we only had 2-3 more months left, I didn’t want to dive into Alpha only to stop in the very middle of the book. So we began reviewing all the materials that we had covered.

As soon as I felt there was no more to review, we began learning about money. We have learned and are still learning about who is on the coins, how much each coin is worth, how many pennies (quarters, dimes, nickels) it take to equal a dollar, the cent sign, how to write it in decimal form, adding cents, using the cent sign and in written form.  I plan on setting up a “grocery stand” with all her play food. Then having her come purchase food with her play money. 🙂 I easily found free printable worksheets to use for her money lessons.

Language Arts


At the beginning of the year, my daughter already knew her ABCs. When I say knew, she really knew them. She could sing the song and distinguish the difference between the letters. She could write some of the letters but she needed some practice. She also needed help with Uppercase letters and Lowercase letters. She would write random uppercase and lowercase letters. She also could read but I figured she needed to practice writing both uppercase and lowercase letters. I bought a simple writing tablet from my local Wal-Mart for about $5-$6. It might have been a little cheaper than $5. I don’t remember the exact price but I know it was fairly cheap. There is also free printable handwriting paper. Donna Young has different styles of printable writing paper. I don’t know if its cheaper to pay for the ink or just buy penmanship paper. I figured it would cost more to print the paper than buy the tablet so that’s the route I went with.  I am thinking I have seen them available at Dollar Tree so you might be able to pick them up for $1.

For Phonics, I used Progressive Phonics. It is a FREE phonics program and includes handwriting worksheets. There are three parts to the phonics program; Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced. Each part has books to work through for each part. You can download the books and save them on your hard drive. You can just view them on your computer or you can e-mail the PDF file to your kindle e-mail address, put them in your dropbox or icloud to view on your ipad. I looked into other phonics programs but none of them seemed to sit right with me and this one was laid out well. To top it all off, it was the right price…FREE!  Like I said above, my daughter could already read for the most part but there were some things she needed to touch base on. I didn’t want to sink a ton of money into a phonics program and only use part of the program.

Once a week, we make a trip to the library. Both of my daughters LOVE Thursdays. We get a variety of books including ones she could read herself and books we read to her. The hubby typically would be the reader for the books she couldn’t read by herself. Since I did the majority of the homeschooling, he wanted to help out. This was one simple thing he could do that I feel really makes a huge impact on our daughters’ (both of them) academic excellence. Check out this article, 10 reasons why you should read to your kids. Another thing we do is a daily bible study. We read one chapter a day and she reads the last verse. Check out a previous post to see how we a daily bible study, Why our family does a daily devotional.

Bible IMG_1516

We feel that the Bible is one of the most important topics we can possibly teach our children. It is the foundation of our home and want it to be the foundation in our children’s education. When we first began homeschooling, I used Calvary Curriculum. I used the Little Ones Curriculum. The Curriculum is 100% free and has Little Ones Curriculum (3years old-K) and Children’s Currilum (1st-6th). The front page was always the verses your were studying, bullet points, and questions to ask. We feel the only thing you really need to teach your children is the Bible itself but supplements such as worksheets are nice to have. So I would read directly from the bible covering the topics for the date selected. After reading, I would explain it to my daughter on her level. I would only use the front page to help me come up with my own questions. The next few sheets of papers were coloring sheets, memory verse, mazes, word searches, crosswords all centered around the week’s reading.

As soon as we started doing our family devotional (you can read about it here, Why our family does a daily devotional), I stopped using Calvary Curriculum. Things were hectic and time was limited so our family devotional took the place of Calvary Curriculum.


Science is usually not a subject covered in Kindergarten so I chose to do the Science, Social Studies, and Arts/Crafts on Fridays. For science, sometimes I would pick the topic to cover and other times my daughter picked the topic. I used MANY resources including documentaries, lap books, unit studies, worksheets, web sites for the topic we were covering. One week, used a butterfly lap-book for our entire study. It covered, science, math, and language arts. By the way, if you have never done a lap book, they are awesome! Homeschool Share has a TON of free resources for lap books and note-booking. Here is the Butterfly Lap-book we did. Another week, we took a fishing trip and learned about fish. We covered the anatomy, different kinds of fish, what you need to go fishing, and of course we battered the fish and cooked them! I used some of the fishing lap book resources and note booking pages from Homeschool Share.  2 weeks ago, we learned everything there was to know about Rolly Pollies! This was her choice and I learned quite a bit of things as well. Some of the other topics we have covered was 5 senses, sink or float,  animals, and natural vs artificial (man made vs made by God). Basically it was a pick and choose topic. I basically did the child led learning and if she didn’t pick out a topic, I would choose one I thought she might enjoy.

Social Studies

In social studies we covered many different topics. I typically chose to teach about things I felt she was ready to learn. Some of the topics I covered was Community Workers, the state of Texas (our home state), the states of America, Our city, Holidays, Basic Human Needs, and Needs vs wants. One of the weeks  for our study of Texas, we did a lap-book. Most of the materials was listed on homeschool share- Connections U.S.A. but I also pulled other materials from other sites. If you click on the previous link, there are resources for all the states and if you would like to add you own, check our their lapbooking resources. It has “type it in” lap-books where you can fully customize your materials that go into your lapbook, templates, the Master Lapbook List, youtube video about lapbooks, and of course a link to their blog that tells everything about lapbooks. This is especially great if your new to lapbooking so check out the Lapbook Series.

Real Life Learning

One some Fridays we would focus on Real Life learning which would take the place of Social Studies. One day, we drove around the neighborhood and city to learn about the street signs. She learned how to use a cell phone, our phone numbers, weather, seasons, days of the week, 911 and when to call 911, and her address. She practiced using the phone and calling momma and daddy’s cell phone number. Then we played on the phone. After we learned our address, she got to write letters to her grandparents! The grandparents loved the letters just as much as she enjoyed sending them. And what she loved the best was receiving a letter!! LOL

Some of the other life learning lessons was using measuring cups, growing seeds, making her own bed, and helping mama cook and she learned how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. She made her a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and one for her sister. And let me tell you, it was the  “BEST PB&J sandwich EVER!!” LOL

Workbooks and Other Resources

On days I was sick, extremely busy, or just plain tired I had back up solutions. I picked up workbooks from our local Teacher Resource store. They were called Ready-Set-Learn: Math Puzzles and Games Grd 1Ready-Set-Learn: Beginning Skills PreK-KReady-Set-Learn: Kindergarten Fun (Gr. K) and Ready-Set-Learn: Following Directions (Gr. K-1).

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I also used StarFall, Cool Math Games, and ABC Mouse.

Star fall is very good for Phonics. Cool Math Games is exactly like it sounds. It has math games for kids. ABC Mouse is an all around learning experience for ages 2-6 years of age. However, there is a paid subscription with ABC Mouse. It is free for private schools, teacher in a public school, or have preschoolers. In the state of Texas, homeschoolers are legally considered private schools so this is how I got the subscription for free. You can look at the details for the free subscription at ABC Mouse for schools.

I also use Planboard  to plan my lesson plans. It’s a free site and I love how it is laid out. You can create classes, auto fills, insert youtube videos, and more. Check it out. It’s a really neat lesson planner. The best part is you don’t have waster paper. There is also a Planboard app available on the ipad.

iPad Screenshot 2  iPad Screenshot 1


So this is how we homeschooled kindergarten for almost free! There was some expected expenses such as supplies, field trips, craft supplies, etc. I am sure I have missed a lot of information but hope I have given enough information to help others out.


Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. (Proverbs 22:6)

Free Hooked on Phonics App Learn to Read Classroom Edition

Free Hooked on Phonics App Classroom Edition is available for download  today (5/7/2014). This app is normally $49.99 so grab it while you can!! Make sure it is the Classroom Edition and please make sure it is says FREE before making the purchase.  This is available through iTunes for your Apple products.

iPhone Screenshot 1

iPhone Screenshot 4

Click here to download the app for FREE. Like stated, above make sure it says FREE. ****

For more information go to How to Homeschool For Free. Make sure to check out their site for more deals.

Thanks to How to Homeschool For Free for sharing this!


**** Our Blessed Nest Blog does not assume any responsibility for the app, price, and anything related to the app. We can not guarantee the price of the app. The app developer controls these things.

8 Reasons to line dry your sheets

Between laundry and dishes, these two things are my least favorite chores. Oddly enough,I find line drying  sheets very pleasurable. There is something soothing about looking through my sliding glass door and seeing the wind blowing white sheets on the line.

line drying sheets


Reasons to line dry your sheets

  1. Saves Money – This is probably the most obvious reason. Your washer and dryer are one of the top energy hungry appliances. Finding ways to reduce your usage will result in more money left in your wallet. The sun is 100% FREE energy source so why not use it for drying your laundry?
  2. Whitens whites- The sun is a natural whitener. It is an all natural, chemical free whitener. I do not like bleach one bit. It smells horrible, it eats away at fabric, and is a harmful chemical. The first time I lined dried my sheets, I was amazed at how white they were. They were as white as the day I had bought them, if not whiter.
  3. Works out the wrinkles-  It works out almost all of the wrinkles. Ok, who actually irons anymore? There might be some that do but I’m not one that irons. The only times I iron is if we have a special event to go to or maybe if the a piece of clothing is extremely wrinkled and we’re headed to church or somewhere nice. The hubby and me were married for about 4 years before I actually bought an iron and 9 years (this year) before I bought a full size ironing board. And the only reason I bought a full size ironing board was mainly so I could make some throw pillows!! That’s pretty bad but it’s the truth.
  4. It’s therapeutic- I don’t know if its the fresh air, sun light, chirping of the birds, or the act itself, but something about it is therapeutic. I really don’t think it’s just me because even the hubby will come out there and help me dry them and fold. He never helps me fold clothes unless I ask him. He will help out with other chores including throwing them in the washer and dryer but folding and putting away the clothes is not something he volunteers for.
  5. Kills odors and smells- The heat from the rays of the sun can kill up to 99% of germs, bacteria, and mold. Hospitals use ultraviolet lights to aid in killing germs, bacteria, and viruses.
  6. It doesn’t set in stains- I am not always the most thorough about checking for stains before tossing into the dryer.  There has been many times I pull my clothes out to find I had set in a stain by drying it in the dryer. With line drying, the sun doesn’t set the stain in.
  7. Clothes won’t wear out as fast- Every time you pull out lint from your dryer, that is your fabric wearing down. The wearing down process is slowed by line drying.
  8. Calming- It is calming to see your linens rippling with the breeze.

folded sheets

A few tips and tricks to line dry your sheets

  • Like I said above,  the sun whitens. It can discolor your colors. Some colors can be line dried without risking the fading but materials where the color bleeds, are typically the ones that you may want to think twice about line drying. One tip, is to turn the clothes inside out to avoid fading when line drying. I haven’t personally done this so I can’t tell you if this tip will prevent fading. Another tip, is line dry colors in the shade.
  • It can make some clothes stiff especially if you leave it out there for a long time and the wind is still. My husband’s socks will become very stiff after hanging them out to dry. He’s not a big fan of this. My socks, on the other hand, are made out of a different fabric. They do not become stiff after hanging them out to dry.  I think the type of fabric makes a difference. My sheets are never stiff after line drying. One tip to prevent this,  toss the clothes in the dryer for about 5 minutes before line drying to soften up the fabric.
  • The clothes can absorb the smell from the air. In most cases, this is great. But if you are one who lives close to a dairy, this might not be ideal. My sister loves lavender. She has said a time or two, she would love to dry her clothes on a field of lavender.  If we all just lived next to a field full of fresh flowers, our line dried clothes would smell absolutely lovely.
  • If you have allergies and there is lots of pollen in the air, don’t line dry that day. One of the times I line dried my sheets on a high pollen day, the sheets looked a little yellowish and it really irritated our allergies.  I use Pollen to check the allergens in the air for my area.
  • I line dry some of my undergarments inside. There is a nifty retractable clothesline that my wonderful hubby installed above my washer and dryer. I purchased mine from Avon (my mom is an Avon lady) but you can buy one similar to mine at amazon. Retractable clothesline

There you have it. The reasons to give line drying a shot if you don’t already do so. I hope you find it as enjoyable as I do!

Scripture to help with the laundry

Use hospitality one to another without grudging.As every man hath received the gift, even so minister the same one to another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God. (1 Peter 4:9-10)

If your like me, I’m not always thrilled to do the laundry that never seems to end. As a stay at home mom and wife, one of my chores is to launder clothes and linens. I am a servant to the little ones and to my husband. Even though, it can be hard at times, I should serve them humbly and without grumbling. Instead of only seeing the dirty pile of laundry,I can see the pile as a lesson to teach my children. We can teach them to serve others in a meekness manner EVEN if we don’t like the chore itself. Helping others is something we should do cheerfully and to best of our ability. We should serve one another in love.

For, brethren, ye have been called unto liberty; only [use] not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but by love serve one another. (Galations 5:13)

Hope this helps

There you have it. The reasons to give line drying a shot if you don’t already do so. I hope you find it as enjoyable as I do and the bible verse helps you look at your laundry in a whole new way!


Studying Scripture in Context


For Starters

In the coming posts from me, I will be covering several controversial topics. Some of these may be uncomfortable for some. They may be a new concept altogether for others. However, there is a deeper meaning behind why I want to cover some of these points and that is ultimately to lead people to God. I used to be a typical “bible thumping, pew jumper.” I was taking a literal interpretation of Ephesians 6:17, and taking up, “…the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God,” and I was literally hacking people up with it. I would pick a choice verse from here, and another one from over there, slaughter their argument and feel victorious in my own mind. This is not the way to treat people or questions, or arguments, and I truly apologize to those that I have committed this action to. I will admit that I am human and I in no way know everything. I have switched the way I read God’s word, and I now believe that everything in the bible should be examined by three things: context, context, and context. Studying scripture in context is crucial. This brings up a good small history lesson of the bible:

Out of Context

The original manuscripts did not have chapter and verse numbers. These were added to aid people in referencing passages quickly. However, this was at a time when people really knew the scriptures. You could probably pull an individual verse at that time and people probably already knew the surrounding context. While this was a great progression in streamlining the bible, this led to people literally pulling things completely out of context. Today’s theologies pull things from different aspects, chapters, books, even opposite sides of the bible just to make a point. An example of doing this would be:

“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” – Genesis 1:1

“Jesus wept.” – John 11:35

And so Jesus was sad that God made everything…

Wait! Hold the Phone! Now I am not implying that Jesus wept because God created everything, but this is exactly the way some people work and abuse the bible in their favor to prove a point. I try my best to understand the entire context of a passage and how a single verse relates to it rather than pulling it out just because it sounds good for my argument at the time. So in the future, I encourage correction if I am wrong in something. Please point it out to me. You are a true friend in Christ by doing so. Just as 2 Timothy 3:16-17 says, “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.”

However, as I said in my last post I am a bit of a skeptic and I like to see other passages in their context to back it up.

God is a righteous Judge

As I said before, ultimately the point of the topics I want to bring up is all for the purpose of sharing knowledge and bringing people to God. God truly loves everyone, and wants everyone to return from sin to him. Sometimes we get so caught up in the minor discrepancies to remember this. “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” –John 3:16. God is not willing “…that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.” -2 Peter 3:9. Yes God truly loves everyone, however, the reality is that God will also judge everyone fairly in the end. He wants everyone to return to him. Love does not override judgment. After all, if we could just go through life knowing that God loves us and thinks he doesn’t care about what we do, well that throws the whole meaning of the bible, the law, God, Jesus, salvation, repentance, and righteousness right out the window now doesn’t it? If that was the case, Jesus’ parable in Matthew 13:24-30 about the wheat and the tares has absolutely no meaning. Therefore if God is going to judge us, what is that judgment based on? The only way we can truly know this is to read His word in its context.

My Ultimate Goal

So in the future, I will touch some uncomfortable subjects, but it is my hope to bring better understanding of what God wants and what God says. We can learn from each other, so I encourage questions, concerns, and correction if I am wrong. I encourage reading the bible daily to get a better understanding, and most of all, I encourage people to find and understand what God wants for everyone. I am in fact a man and I am not perfect. I want people to double check everything they hear, see, and read against the bible to see if it is true. This includes anything I write. I hope you will continue to join me in my future posts, and I welcome the conversation, comments, and ideas, on the basis that it is backed up with scripture and context.